Make your marketing strategy surge with support and accountability. 

Join an intimate group of service-based business owners, thought leaders, and Creators who want accountability and support to implement a sustainable marketing plan. 

 Get the support and accountability each month to:  
  • Review your marketing data and analytics 
  • Plan a sustainable marketing strategy 
  • Implement a plan you feel excited and confident about 

 This quarterly marketing group will give you the space to plan your marketing efforts with others, the accountability to implement your ideas, and receive expert feedback from Team Quirky and the group. 

 If you… 

  Enjoy being in community and having the support of other business owners 

Want to be in more control of your marketing efforts instead of leaving it up to chance 

Plan to scale your efforts in more sustainable ways, so marketing can be fun and effective 

The SURGE!  Marketing Support Group is for you!

Choose the support that works best for you:

  • 3 MONTHS OF SUPPORT - October-December 2024
  • 6 MONTHS OF SUPPORT - October 2024-March 2025

See you inside?  


  • 3-months (or up to 6-months) of support within the group
    • Option 1 - October-December 2024
    • Option 2 - October 2024-March 2025
  • 1x / month 60min office hour calls 
  • 1x / month 60min planning and revision calls 
  • Marketing review & feedback 
  • Community accountability in a private Slack network 
  • Quarterly review & planning workshops at the end of each quarter (2hrs)


*Dates and times for monthly office hours, planning/revision calls, and our live workshop will be determined once the group is formed, so we can find the best time for everyone. 



OPTION 1: 3 months of support (October-December 2024)

  • DEPOSIT - 125€ EUR (to claim your spot) 
  • MONTHLY PAYMENTS x3 - 125€ EUR (starting in October-December) 

OPTION 2: 6 months of support (October 2024-December 2025)

  • DEPOSIT - 120€ EUR (to claim your spot) 
  • MONTHLY PAYMENTS x5 - 120€ EUR (starting in October-December)

 *if you are based within the EU, VAT will be added to your total investment 


  • Last day to secure your spot - Friday, September 27th
  • Start - October 1st
  • End (for 3 MONTHS OF SUPPORT)- December 31, 2024
  • End (for 6 MONTHS OF SUPPORT) - March 31, 2025


All our group programs at The Quirky Pineapple Studio follow our 3-part framework considering cultural competence, intersectional feminism, and liberatory practices to create a sustainable marketing strategy that fits your values, style, and mission. 

 After the program, you’ll have more insight and tools to… 

Read, understand, and make strategic decisions based on your marketing data and analytics 

Implement new marketing ideas that make you feel excited and excite your ideal clients, so marketing feels fun again 

Clarity around your marketing efforts and how they work together in the grand scheme of your marketing strategy 

Better understand your unique value proposition (aka fierce factor) and what makes your brand stand out, so you can sell confidently through your marketing 

Confidently commit to your sustainable marketing strategy and plan that matches your energy and capacity 

Ready to feel confident and excited about your marketing again? 

Join the SURGE!  Marketing Support Group and let’s get planning!

Contact information

Billing address

All-Access Pass Template Vault

Add our template vault for 5€
Get access to 30+ templates for your business. Templates include client communication, brand strategy, marketing strategy, website copywriting, and more!

Choose a pricing option

  • Preferred option
    SURGE! 3-month split payments (3x €125.00)4x €125.00
  • Preferred option
    SURGE! 6-month split pay (6x €120.00)6x €120.00

Payment information

You will not be charged for this purchase, but if you choose to make an optional purchase later, this card info will be used to complete that transaction!

Completing payment with PayPal

  • Total payment
  • 1xSURGE! 🚀 Marketing Support Group€0

All prices in EUR


"Cassandra and the Quirky Pineapple Team are the creative partners you need if you're looking to solidify the messaging and content strategy for your brand. They helped me to get clear on who my company Bossy and Blissful is actually serving, how to describe my offerings in a compelling way to my target audience. Beyond that, Cassandra was a delight to work with. Her and her team are kind, responsive, and go above and beyond!"


Coach, Speaker, Former Head of DEI at Meta


